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Jacinta Satia
Född i Cameroon
62 years
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Stellus I year of peaceful rest January 31, 2019
My dearest,
Yesterday marked 1 year since you retired your cancer fighting gloves. Lord, how we miss you. We miss your laugh, your sharp and sweet voice, the alto singing voice, the prayers, your constant advice, your love for people, the generosity that went with that, your philanthropy, dedication to family....i could go on and on. We love you so much. If heaven is as much joy as they say it is, then I know you're having a blast. Big hugs to mama, uncle, ma Lou, Tata Flo, grandma, Michael, big papa, big mami. Don't stop praying for us. We love you!
Joele Tsopkeng Repose en paix February 24, 2018
Although I am sad because I will never see you again, I thank God for the life you lived. A strong mother always cheerful and full of wisdom.

I will miss you dearly, especially your encouraging words, your positive energy and laugh. 

May your sweet memories never fade from the lives of those you've inspired and 
May God accept you into His Kingdom. 

Adieu maman

Dan Mofor Touched By An Angel February 13, 2018
"A woman of God has departed us to be with her creator ... breaking our hearts in the process". May his will be done.

We all knew it was coming, but we were never ready for this news. My dear Big Sister, I vividly remember the soft, angelic scolding from you when I failed to call or visit you during my last trip to Cameroon in 2014. I apologized profusely and promised I will make it right on my next visit. I must admit, I was a little naive and did not understand why Big Sister was so furious at Small Brother. Now I know why. Now I know it was a missed opportunity. Now I know I may never have another opportunity to tell you I am sorry. My heart is broken with tears of regret. Big Sister, I wish you could have stayed a little longer for me to make amends. 

I vividly remember the good times we had together in 1984 at Auntie Marisia's house in Yaounde. By manifest destiny, it was the rare opportunity for the two of us to get to know each other. You and I had a lot in common. You had just returned to Cameroon from the US. I recall your daily trips to the Ministry to knock on doors, to look for work. You would recall my daily trips to the Embassy and Police Commissariat to knock on doors, to seek a visa and passport to the US.

Big Sister, I learnt a lot from you during those glory days in Yaounde, not from your words but from your kind deeds. The list of your examplary character traits include: kindness, spirituality, selflessness, hard work and optimism. You were a great teacher. You taught us how to share our time, talent and treasures. You taught us how to live. Now, you have taught us how to die ... graciously and with quiet dignity. We are endebted and shall for ever be grateful to you. 

Big Sister, your early exit and transition to glory leaves a big void in our family. There were three of us in the house in Yaounde. Now, two out of three have crossed the Jordan river. I am all alone and it is painful to be alone. Big Sister, when you get to heaven, please organize a family reunion to include: Pa Phillip Satia, Ma Thecla Satia, Pa Victor Mofor, Uncle Michael Patcha, Uncle Boniface Patcha, Auntie Marisia Patcha and Asong Satia. Please ask them to pray for us. You can count on all of us reciprocating your celestial gesture. 

May the souls of the faithful who have departed rest in peace. Amen.
Bon Voyage. Adieu Big Sister! Adieu!

Dan Mofor
Houston, Texas  

Cinta Satia A tribute February 13, 2018
We met with  Jacinta years back in Y'de where we operated as acquaintances. In the late 1980's we met again in B'da in the same Ministerial department.This time our relationship matured into lasting  friendship.

We found Jacinta to be a confident personality who was also dedicated and efficient at her job. As things evolved she became a consistent, committed, supportive, kind and faithful friend. The attempt of detractors aimed at ruining that friendship failed. 

While we are deeply saddened that she has departed , we also want to thank God for her life and for the good times we spent together. Her achievements and  contributions to our society are commendable. We are  now left only with the option of wishing her a safe journey and a peaceful repose in the Kingdom beyond.
Ruth  Samkubam for the family.
Cinta Satia To a loving friend February 13, 2018
Cinta, l kept hoping that Jesus would perform one of His healing miracles on you. I kept planning to visit you and never did so. Your passing on came too soon. I will always remember you for your total commitment to everything and any thing you did. Thank you for the gentle, soft spoken, generous , remarkable and loving friend you were to many. God alone knows why He called you to  Himself so early. I believe you are with Him right now. Do pray for us.. Greet mama and ma Mauritia Patcha. Rest in peace Cinta until we meet to part no more.
Rev Sr. Grace Ngu, SST
Emmanuel Patcha (Pitche) Adieu Aunt and bosom friend February 12, 2018
Dearest Auntie Cinty, Aunt and Bosom Friend.

It is sad to know that you have left to the land of the righteous. We had great times and memories which I will forever live with. I remember our time in Yaoundé and Cite’ Vert.  We spent most of our lunch break “midi”, together, you will “fix something” for us to eat and I will crash on the sofa for an hour before we part to work for the second half of the day. You were a cheerful person and a conversationalist.You were one with a lot of organizational skills and a perfectionist; you always made yourself available when needed. You helped in the planning of my wedding, ensuring it was a success. I visited you in December 2016 and you were still vibrant despite your condition. Then my last visit in February 2017 after the burial of Brother Boni as you always referred to him, you offered me food and brandy "Jack Daniel", it was a great evening and time well spent. Hardly would I have imagined that it was our last toss and drink, to say adieus.During our discussions and laughter on that day you said many things but I remember this the most; “I will continue to fight until the day God will say Jacinta stand up and then I will”. The Lord loves you and heard your prayers. You have left a vacuum in us, but I know you are happy as you have joined the rest of family in heaven where everlasting peace reigns. Thank you for being my Aunt and  bosom friend.
Adieu Auntie Cintia

                                      Emmanuel Patcha ( Pitche )
Nneka Ekanem Adieu Aunty Cinta February 12, 2018

Dear Aunty Cinta,

I met you for the first time at your home in February 2017 when Pitche, Marie and I visited(my second visit to Cameroon). I was pleasantly surprised when you looked at me and called me  “Pitcheress”.  You were very warm and welcoming, we spent hours chatting.  

Aunty... despite your struggles, you were full of positivity and  emotinally resilient.  You placed your life in God’s hands and was ready to leave when he calls.  You are truly missed…….Rest in the bossom of the Lord!!!

Nneka (Pitcheress)...

Cinta Satia No more worries, no more pain February 11, 2018
Boh, I still recall  the telephone conversation we had after you received the gesture from your classmates. Yes, we were all hopeful and strengthened. We truly loved you and miss you dearly but God loves you best. No more worries, no more pain. Rest in perfect peace till we meet to part no more.
Your friend Victorine Ngono. QRC 68 USA
Cinta Satia Cintasco February 11, 2018
That was my nickname for you. We were classmates at QRC from 1968 to 1973, and friends for life. From my time with you I know this: you were a loving, caring, selfless, humble, cheerful classmate with great organizational skills. Among your many admirable character qualities your classmates admired you most for your love of people and your friendships.

You kept in touch with everyone and you were committed to classmate gatherings and funerals despite your declining health. You were hardworking, principled, dilligent and fortright in handling OPSA business. A courageous brave warrior whose fear of the Lord was unchallenged, we love you so much but God loves you best.

The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken. Blessed be the name of the Lord. We love and miss you. May your soul rest in Perfect Peace.

Dolly Ako

Cinta Satia The trio February 11, 2018
Thank you Lord for Jacinta Satia, our daughter, a mother, sister, auntie, cousin and friend who touched the lives of so many she came across as she moved on here on earth.
Our plans are in God's hands, He knows it all and our time to exit this Earth is God's best. Go ye well, rest from the pains because the last few weeks here were not easy at all.
The trio is almost rounding up. As you go to join Tata Flo, I remain alone and will eventually meet you both someday to part no more. We will miss you Cinta, adieu.
Cousin Marie Njotsa Taku.
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