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Jacinta Satia
62 years
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Cinta Satia Our prayer warrior February 11, 2018
Auntie Cinta you changed my life forever.
I remember when you first moved in with us, I didn’t know how our relationship would be, but we bonded so easily. You always knew how to calm me down whenever I was angry. From the nights when we would watch TV together, to the times when I came to Africa to visit you, I always enjoyed being with you. 

You and grandma taught us about the importance of prayer and I miss watching EWTN with you guys. I even stopped watching American Idol when you left because it wasn't fun watching without you. You were always so cheerful and made every experience interesting and positive.

I will love you forever auntie Cinta.  Please keep watching over our family and keep us safe.
Cinta Satia Tribute from Wogu Bessong Janet February 11, 2018
The class of 68 are really devastated.
In class the nickname we called her was Jacinta 'Sassia' after Rev Sister De Lourdes, our mathematics teacher. We sat in rolls at our desks. During math class, since we hardly understood the algebra taught, Sister will ask, "No hands up?"  Since our African names were difficult to pronounce, she'd say "No hands 'Sassia'?" and the class will burst into laughter. But Jacinta would not budge. To her that was
  not funny.

The cookery lab was another place we cherished. Jacinta would want to show that she knew all the different Madeira cake mixes eg, ''pineapple_upside_down ''etc. The following day the name became hers, as we would tease her. Still she couldn't care less. You have to be snubbish to avoid being a laughing stock, and that's how she put up with the situation.

With these fun times we were able to overcome our challenges in OKoyong. She was gentle, mature and took no nonsense from those of us who were childish. She was a Lady of few words; straight forward.

Her honesty was illustrated during her term as the OPSA National Finance Secretary. She was a virtuous woman!

St. Peregrine (patron saint of cancer) intercede for her. Amen. Rest in peace my dear "Sassia".

Classmate Wogu Bessong Janet
Cinta Satia QRC days February 11, 2018
It has never been easy, and never will be to say goodbye to a childhood friend.  It is therefore with a very heavy heart that I am writing this in remembrance of my friend.  Coming from the same house (Lourdes), and in the same dormitory for most of our Okoyong days, l can say that Jacinta was hilarious.  She made us laugh in her own quiet and dignified way.  She was not as rowdy as some of us.  This is so hard dear!  Peace, Perfect peace, until we meet again. 

Theresa Dioh, QRC Okoyong class of ('68).
Cinta Satia my sweet heart, mummy February 11, 2018

My Cherie coco, my sweet heart, mummy,

You are my pillar of discipline

An epitome of a true Christian

A manifestation of God’s love

A testimony of trusting God completely


Your faith was like none I have ever seen, unrivalled by your fear of God. Thank you for being such a blessing to all who knew you and for bringing us up in the ways of the Lord.

Right up to your last days, you still gave me a shoulder to lean on. I will miss our calls and weekends. I will miss your sweet smile and laughter. I will miss bringing you cakes every June, sending parcels every month. It hurts though but I draw strength from you and our memories.

You were not only a guidance counsellor by profession but my counsellor in all aspects of my life. I won’t be able to run to you with all my issues but I know I have an angel in heaven watching over me.

Thank you for always being there and teaching me how to share love. Thank you for bringing me to the world and raising me, if I had to choose again, I will choose you over and over again.

Love you Mummy,

Melanie Foju Atsemou (BOH)

Cinta Satia Très chèree maman February 11, 2018

Très chèree maman Satia Njunkeng Jacintha; Tu nous as quitté brusquement le 30 Janvier 2018 à 16h précise.Ta séparation a laissé un très grand vide non seulement dans mon coeur mais aussi dans ma vie.Tu étais et tu demeureras une maman exemplaire,un parent typique,une éducatrice incomparable,une formatrice de rang exceptionnel.Merci infiniment de m'avoir transformé et surtout d'avoir fait de moi ce que je suis aujourd'hui.Dix ans de maladie,c'est aussi dix ans de combat que nous avons mené ensemble pour te libérer de ce fameur cancer.Tu es resté positive,courageuse et surtout croyante jusqu'au dernier jour.Maintenant que le Seigneur a decidé autrement je prie que tu continue à être l'ange gardien de tes enfants. 

Ajifack Demassa Corince

Cinta Satia My Bona Fide Auntie February 11, 2018



Auntie!! I am honored to take a couple minutes to say these few words of farewell and express my gratitude in a manner I didn’t plan to. You left in a trice, caught me off guard and words cannot really express how I genuinely feel Auntie.

Growing up you looked out for me as your own, gave me the same moral guidance and treatment you did Philip and Melanie, was there for my baptism, when I received the sacrament of the holy Eucharist, my confirmation and many other events which laid a foundation in molding a child of God, which a couple paragraphs cannot suffice. Thank you Auntie.

As I got older you always made an effort to stay involved in my life regardless of your ill health and sad enough the pain in which it came with (Ohh Lord). Back in Uni I admired the way you welcomed technology and you were pretty involved in social media compared to other elderly people, and I always referenced you to Mama and coached her to get up to speed to your level. You showed me the power of endurance and faith in God in how you managed and fought through illness, and whenever we spoke on phone that punch in your voice always gave me hope Auntie, it always did and I knew one day all the soreness will be history. But God has his own way of creating history, his ways are his ways and he knows best.

I will miss you lots Auntie, it’s going to be hard but I will have to deal with it. Sayonara and may you rest in the realm of the almighty.


                                                                                                                      Simon Barah.

Cinta Satia A Friend and Sister February 11, 2018



Auntie Cinta, or fondly called “Mami Philip”. How time passes. Yours and I have been a long standing relationship spanning close to 31years.Life reserves so much uncertainty no one knows what tomorrow reserves for us. You have been an amazing friend and sister.

It is so hard for me to actually pen down how I feel about your passing on and yes I know you and all of us have been waiting for your own miracle, thank God it finally came. Seeing you in August 2017 with your God daughter Ann Angel was so promising and coming again in December 2017, kept me hoping. I know life is nothing without hope.

Jacin--, your personality was such a treat to all at all spheres of life, but your focus and tenacity to achieving your goals is what I will so much remember. Your admiration for your family was one of a kind, I remember vividly how you were excitingly showing me your special bed and wheelchair, thanks to your nieces and family. What a privilege to have such a sense of gratitude and appreciation.

Thanks so much Auntie Cinta for that phone call on the 22nd of January and the “Hail Mary” you wished to have said for me while I was in hospital. Our lady whom you reverend so much will not let you fall. Adieu dear friend and sister. Fare well.


Auntie Rose Barah.

Cinta Satia You will be sincerely missed February 11, 2018

Dear Auntie Jacinta,

With a name like yours, it’s no wonder you were the beautiful, rare flower that your name implied. But you were more than just beautiful--because flowers aren’t that simple. They are complex, vibrant, intelligent, self-sufficient, and bloom with confidence. Auntie Jacinta, you left a mark on this world through your family, your children, you life’s work and most importantly your defiant spirit. John 20:29 says “...Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed”. You fought for a long time, but now I know that you are resting in peace, relieved of your pain and continuing to blossom in blessings with the Lord. Auntie Cinta--you will be sincerely missed, but never forgotten.


Stephannie Acha-Morfaw


Cinta Satia You too, you have lost the battle with Cancer February 11, 2018

Tribute to Jacinta SATIA

ANTI !!!!   ANTI!!!!!! Yes ANTI. Noboby will ever be there to respond to my by Yes Anti Emilienne

You too, you have lost the battle with cancer. When I came to Kumba for Mrs Patcha funerals, you were down with pain. We went to the graveyard but did not attend the burial. We sat from one grave to another- your father, your mother- then you said: ‘Very soon, I will join my place here. I had nothing to say’’ But it was a very strong message to me. The last thing you told me on whatsap was ’’My health is not that good’’ Yes Anti, you were one of a kind. To me, you were not a friend but, a big Sis so loving, so caring and so true. The things we have done created memories forever and kept us strong even when we could not be together. You were always there to lend a listening ear to Boh July Lisa, Mimi, Collins, Adela and Philip. You did your best to make everybody happy and responsible. From your life, I have learnt to be a better me, loving and kindhearted. I pray we will meet again and there will be no pain, no sorrow in heart, only joy and laughter. What a day it will be to see you again. Anti!!!! My your soul rest in perfect peace    

Auntie Emilienne Seppo

Cinta Satia it breaks my heart to see you go February 11, 2018

Auntie 'Cinta. Though it breaks my heart to see you go, I know you are in a better place and God knows best. your legacy will leave on and I will always cherish the good times we had together. The round table meals we always had together at our Satia family home with your mom and my grandmother mama Thecla Satia will never be forgotten.The good times we had when I visited you in Yaounde as a teenager when you had just returned home from the United States is full of priceless memories. Being a strict and no nonsense auntie, you guided me through life, understanding that life is not that easy. You  were so full of life. A cheerful , fun loving lady, a loving mother to your children and you loved your family so dearly. You had tons and tons of friends, loved them dearly and loved them more when they visited. Your smile alone could light up a room and it was infectious. You made everyone around you happy, whether it was by sharing a funny joke, your positive attitude, or your big smile.  You were a delight to be around. Auntie Cinta, Rest in perfect peace and you will be greatly missed.

Vivian Acha-morfaw.

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